Saturday 30 June 2012


What a day, this morning I woke up filled with nerves. I was highly anxious about starting my Fitness Qualification. I had to be in Richmond at 9.30am.  I got myself ready left the house and stopped at a favourite cafe for a piccolo coffee on the way. 

I got to Brighton and quickly turned my car around. I was dis-empowered by fear. Fear of being judged and assessed when I walked into the class. I have been running a major story that everyone was going to be skinny and fit and I would be judged by all as if I were not good enough to be qualified in the Fitness Industry. 

Tears streaming down my face I quickly drove back to Bayside Fitness First and smashed out a Body Combat class. 
To my surprise a lady turned to speak to me and said I always see you in the class you remind me of my friend, I said oh really, nice ot meet you I am Hayley. Then another lady said I knew it was you, one of my clients from my social work job  was in the class- we had a great chat and she was very encouraging and helped me to see a few things for myself. 
Great class and so nice to speak to 2 lovely ladies. I went onto the treadmill to complete my fitness test for the end of week four- 12WBT- I was able to jog- YES- jog 1k and I beat my last Walking attempt by just under 2 minutes!
I felt pretty proud with knowing I have increased my fitness, I got into my car to see the missed calls from WYN Fitness. I called them and explained I was not ready, that I had a panic attack and turned the car around while on my way. He said, Hayley I want you here, its not too late, go home shower and get yourself ready the next class starts at 1pm.  He stood for me, said I will wait for you and walk you into the class. Ill even set you up a little table so you can sit at the back and wont have to disrupt anyone in the seating arrangement. 

WIth this conversation I felt relieved knowing he knows my history and understood what my fears were. 

I felt the fear and did it anyway! He met me out the front, we went through the paperwork and he walked me into the class and showed me my table at the back and I introduced myself to my class mates and our teacher. I found I was able to share my knowledge of diets and my past history was actually valuable to the class. 

Anything is possible! I will graduate on the 17th January 2013, The future excites me!

Right now Im exhausted and glad to be home to relax this evening with Vik & Wilson....

Lots of love

H xx


Tuesday 12 June 2012

Week 2

Hi all- so here we are at week 2 and its weigh in day! wait for it...
 Feeling good overall. I feel as though my body is recovering quicker from the training. I am so proud that I managed to do a double class last Saturday for my first attempt at a SSS ( Super Saturday Session). WOOOOOO! amazing feeling! Burnt 1065 Calories!! Body Combat followed by a freestyle Step Class.
Last night I had a lovely session with my natropath Sheryl, my body is feeling so much better for it today. I need to get myself some more Epsom salts and treating myself to a bath at least once a week. I feel very strong on the program and I have stuck to it 100%, I feel inspired and committed to what I am out to achieve and know where I am headed. I can see my first mini goal of 99kgs right in front of me- I'm almost in reach of it.
Ill keep this short and sweet, have a great hump day all!
Body Combat tonight and a Weights Circuit to follow.
Preparation is Key to success in this program- this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle, and gym is a way of life.

PS. I jogged for the first time on Monday! another achievement! I was so excited to call vik and say hey honey I get it, you fall into a rhythm and hold your core strong and you just go for it... she said back to me- Honey listen to you, Well Done! "
Just so happy and love this way of life!

Get Up
Get Organised
Be Accountable


Monday 4 June 2012


Hi everyone- so today was kick off and I am off to a strong start.  Prepared food yesterday, it was a team effort from myself and Vikki however we have prepared a delicious pumpkin soup, made an oven bake chicken dish & Panang chicken curry. Ill have to remember to pop some photos up of some of these amazing low calorie recipes I am making... I promise I will do! 

I was not having the best of weekends the one just gone. I was feeling quite irritated and anxious. On sunday afternoon my back went into some kind of painful spasm and I wasn't able to do body attack tonight as it feels very tender and I don't want to do more damage. ( about 3 months ago I had a nasty back injury from a fall) So I've booked with my oesteo to have a back adjustment.
Thankfully Im feeling slightly better so skipping body attack tonight and stretching was the best option. I have body Pump tomorrow night and looking forward to that already. 
I's so true that it only takes a month to get into the swing of loving and needing your excercise. I crave it and that is half the battle won. 
Through the 12WBT pre-season I have been training 4 days per week and now Im more than ready to build that to 6 days and I already am beginning to feel the major benefits. I feel happier, I'm sleeping better, I am not as tired. 
I must admit I am going through alot of spaces, doubt, frustration,anger, scarred. 

I have a big challenge ahead of me, but its one day at the time, and if I keep going like I have today I will be alright and I know I will get there. This is going to to be the biggest test of my patience as I want to be there now. I want to be up there taking classes and inspiring others. If I can do this people, anyone can do anything they want. 
This is the challenge of my lifetime and I am committed to taking myself on. I have wondered how many people have read this and thought why is she doing this- the truth is the more you share, and enrol others in your possibility, you are then owning your commitment, and then it will become your reality. 
I am not ashamed anymore, I am scarred YES, hell yes I am scarred but I am pushing through the fear and not listening to that voice that likes to go off now and then. 
I am committed, I am doing this and I can feel what it will feel like when I am there. 
I drive my car playing my favourite combat / attack tracks and visualise when I am up there as a Les Mills instructor. That feeling is all I need to know. That feeling motivates me to make the right choice and to push myself harder when I train. 
I can do this and I love how empowered I feel for having shared with many people my deepest fears, my life long struggle with myself.

Thanks for showing me love & support, It means the world to me right now. 
Surrounding yourself with positive people whom influence and inspire you to be your personal best is so important and thankyou to everyone whom has shown me this in the last 4 weeks. I cant wait to give this back to others one day. I want to be there to help anyone who has struggled the way I have as a child, teenager and adult.  Its no way to live life- and Im going to help others. 

Love to all

PS. Im writing on here as I feel I need to really, perhaps I will do another quick post on weigh in day wednesday. 

Night x